The following accessory uses, in addition to those hereinbefore specified, shall be permitted in any residential district, if the accessory uses do not alter the character of the premises in respect to their use for the purpose permitted in the district:
   (A)   The renting of rooms or the providing of table board in a dwelling as an incidental use to that of its occupancy as a dwelling of the character permitted in the respective district, but not to the extent of constituting a hotel, as defined in this chapter, unless permitted in the district;
   (B)   The operation of necessary facilities and equipment in connection with schools, colleges, universities, hospitals and other institutions permitted in the district;
   (C)   News and refreshment stands and restaurants in connection with passenger stations;
   (D)   Recreation, refreshment and service buildings in public parks and playgrounds; and
   (E)   Fallout shelters.
(2002 Code, § 7.42) (Ord. 324, effective 11-20-1965; Ord. 49, Third Series, effective 1-1-1981; Ord. 71, Third Series, effective 8-15-1982; Ord. 104, Third Series, effective 5-30-1984; Ord. 104, Sixth Series, effective 5-12-2009; Ord. 112, Sixth Series, effective 10-15-2009; Ord. 76, Seventh Series, effective 1-6-2019)