(A)   A person, firm or corporation must not engage in the business of a mechanical contractor or gas piping contractor within the city without first obtaining a license from the city.
   (B)   An employee of a mechanical contractor or gas piping contractor must not engage in any activity for which a license is required without first obtaining a license from the city.
   (C)   An applicant for a license must submit a copy or other evidence of the applicant’s (or its employer’s) bond posted with the state. No city bond is required.
   (D)   (1)   A license applicant must also submit a certificate of insurance certifying that the business is currently insured by an insurance company licensed to do business in the state. The insurance must be in the form prescribed by the city. The minimum limits of coverage for the insurance must be:
         (a)   Each claim: at least $100,000;
         (b)   Each occurrence: at least $300,000;
         (c)   Property damage: at least $50,000; and
         (d)   Worker’s compensation: statutory amounts.
      (2)   The insurance must be kept in force during the term of the license and must provide for notification to the city ten days before termination or cancellation. A license is automatically revoked upon notice of termination or cancellation of this insurance and will remain revoked until other insurance is provided as required.
   (E)   The Building Official may require the license applicant to undergo an examination before a license is issued. The examination will be for the purpose of determining the applicant’s ability to adequately undertake the work being licensed. The applicant must perform to the satisfaction of the Building Official before a license will be granted.
   (F)   A license is renewable annually on or before January 31 of every year and may be revoked, suspended or refused renewal for cause. ADEQUATE CAUSE includes work done in violation of this subchapter or a licensee’s refusal to correct defective work performed by the licensee, its agents or employees.
(Ord. 83, Seventh Series, passed 5-20-2019)