(A)   The applicant for a building permit to build a new residential, commercial or business building, or any addition to a commercial or business building, including multi-family dwellings of three or more dwelling units, must also submit with the application a certificate of survey for the lot where the construction will occur.
   (B)   The certificate of survey must provide the following information and be attested to by a registered land surveyor qualified by registration as required by M.S. § 326.02, as it may be amended from time to time:
      (1)   Scale of drawing;
      (2)   Legal description;
      (3)   Dimensions of lot and north point;
      (4)   Dimensions of front, rear and side yards;
      (5)   Locations of all existing buildings;
      (6)   Location of proposed building construction;
      (7)   Location of stakes established by the surveyor at each corner and along each side lot line every 20 feet. The maintenance of these stakes once established by the surveyor will be the responsibility of the building permit applicant;
      (8)   The location of all recorded easements including those shown on recorded plats;
      (9)   The proposed disposal of surface water drainage (indicate direction of surface water drainage by arrows); and
      (10)   The proposed storm water management best management practice device plan pursuant to §§ 152.25 through 152.50 of this code of ordinances, as required by Minn. Rules part 7090.0010, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (C)   A certificate of survey is required for all new construction and all additions to commercial or business buildings, including multi-family dwellings of three or more dwelling units; however, the Building Official may waive the requirement for a certificate of survey for commercial or business additions if the applicant and contractor submit a scaled drawing and sign a form provided by the city certifying:
      (1)   They have located all property boundary stakes placed by a registered land surveyor and the maintenance of the location of the existing stakes will be the responsibility of the applicant;
      (2)   They are responsible for ensuring the structure meets applicable setback requirements;
      (3)   They understand the city can require a survey of the property if there is reason to question the submitted drawing;
      (4)   They will discontinue work if a violation is found and correct any illegal setbacks, including removal of the structure;
      (5)   They will comply with storm water management best management practice requirements pursuant to §§ 152.25 through 152.50 of this code of ordinances, as required by Minn. Rules part 7090.0010; and
      (6)   Other information reasonably required by the Building Official.
(Ord. 83, Seventh Series, passed 5-20-2019)