It is unlawful to park, store or place any of the following on public or private property other than in a licensed junk yard, unless housed within a lawfully erected building or enclosure, or is placed behind a dwelling so as not to be visible from the street or adjacent properties:
   (A)   Unlicensed, unregistered or inoperable vehicles;
   (B)   Household furniture, furnishings or appliances intended for indoor use;
   (C)   Lawn maintenance or snow removal equipment and tools, out of season and when not in use;
   (D)   Building material, construction equipment, construction tools, construction material or demolition material, without a valid building permit issued by the city;
   (E)   Recreational tools and equipment, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles and other related vehicles and equipment out of season and when not in use, unless properly trailered and as permitted under division (F) below;
   (F)   More than two utility trailers, including boat trailers, snowmobile trailers and enclosed trailers; or
   (G)   Propane tanks or other flammable fluids in containers unless the tank or container is connected to an indoor or outdoor cooking or heating appliance.
(2002 Code, § 6.74) (Ord. 99, Sixth Series, effective 4-28-2009) Penalty, see § 90.99