(A)   All municipal utilities may be shut off or discontinued whenever it is found that:
      (1)   The owner or occupant of the premises served, or any person working on any connection with the municipal utility systems, has violated any requirement of the code relative thereto, or any connection therewith;
      (2)   Any charge for a municipal utility service, or any other financial obligation imposed on the present owner or occupant of the premises served, is unpaid after due notice thereof; or
      (3)   There is fraud or misrepresentation by the owner or occupant in connection with any application for service, delivery or charges therefor.
   (B)   (1)   A utility service shall not be terminated for delinquency until the consumer has had an opportunity to meet with the City Administrator to discuss the delinquency. Notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting shall be given to the consumer by mail at his or her last known place of residence or business. If neither the place of residence, nor business, is known, the notice shall be posted on the premises served. The meeting shall be scheduled no less than five days after notice is mailed or posted.
      (2)   If the consumer fails to appear for the scheduled meeting, or any extension granted by the City Administrator, or if the City Administrator finds the amount claimed to be actually due and owing, utility service may be terminated by the city.
   (C)   Refuse service may, upon the written request of the owner or occupant of a premises served, be temporarily terminated for a minimum of 60 consecutive days, without termination of water and sewer services. The written request shall be filed with the Department of Public Works in advance of the temporary termination of refuse services.
(2002 Code, § 3.70) (Ord. 157, Third Series, effective 12-1-1987; Ord. 21, Fourth Series, effective 12-15-1991; Ord. 12, Fifth Series, passed 8-19-1996; Ord. 106, Sixth Series, effective 5-22-2009)