(a) For purpose of this section, “loiter” means, but is not restricted to, standing, lounging, sitting or lying about idly, whether alone or in company with other loiterers.
(b) No person shall loiter at any place within the Town and while so loitering insult, threaten, intimidate or in any manner interfere with, or impede the progress of, any other person then and there conducting himself in a lawful and orderly manner.
(1973 Code §17-22)
(c) No person shall loaf, lounge or congregate with others on any public street, sidewalk, square, or other public place, or in the entranceways or halls of public buildings or buildings of a public nature such as banks, offices, stores and other structures where the public has occasion to go; and any person found in violation of this section who is ordered by a person then and there in charge of any such building or place, or by a police officer, to depart such place, or to disperse and depart such place, shall obey such order forthwith. This subsection shall not apply to any person or assembly of persons waiting, assembled or standing in line in an orderly manner for any lawful purpose incident to the building or other place mentioned in this section.
(1973 Code §17-23)
(d) No person shall loiter on and about the sidewalks, streets, or public places of the Town in any taxicab or other vehicle, or on foot for immoral or illegal purposes.
(1973 Code §17-24)