The Commission shall, among other things pertinent to the purposes for which it is established, lay out, survey, and fix the prices upon all cemetery lots, and shall cause the lots to be mapped or platted, and a copy thereof, showing the proposed prices, shall be filed with and shall be subject to the approval or change of Council; and the Commission shall lay out all roads, entrance-ways and other necessary improvements, and shall cause them to be constructed and maintained; it shall likewise provide for the perpetual care, maintenance and beautification of the cemetery property and shall supervise and direct all work done or to be done in connection therewith; it shall employ, discharge and fix the compensation of all employees and, where not otherwise herein provided, shall have general supervision, management and control of the cemetery property and its business. All deeds to purchaser shall be executed by the Mayor in the name and under the seal of the Town. No real estate shall be sold except in the usual course of the conduct of the cemetery and upon a form or upon forms of deeds to be approved by Council. The Commission shall have the power and authority to and shall adopt and promulgate from time to time reasonable rules and regulations for the restriction, use and operation of the cemetery property and individual burial lots therein.
(1973 Code §12-9; 2-5-09)