17.16.030: APPEALS:
Appeals to the appeal authority may be taken by any person aggrieved by his or her inability to obtain a building permit, or by the decision of any administrative officer or agency based upon or made in the course of the administration or enforcement of the provisions of this title. Appeals to the appeal authority may be taken by any officer, department, council, board or commission of the city affected by the grant or refusal of a building permit or by other decision of an administrative officer or agency based on or made in the course of the administration or enforcement of the provisions of this title. The time within which such appeal must be made, and the form or other procedure relating thereto, shall be as specified in the general rules to govern the procedure of such appeal authority or in the supplemental rules of procedure adopted by such appeal authority; provided further, that such rules and regulations shall be available to the public at the office of the city recorder at all times. (Ord. 13-05)