16.28.040: LOTS:
   A.   Arrangement And Design: The lot arrangement and design shall be such that lots will provide satisfactory and desirable sites for buildings and be properly related to topography and to existing and probable future requirements.
   B.   Required Minimums:
      1.   All lots shown on the subdivision plan must conform to the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance for the zone in which the subdivision is located, and to the minimum requirements of the City Engineer and the County Board of Health for sewage disposal.
      2.   The minimum width for any residential building lot shall be as required by the zoning ordinance.
      3.   Where a public sewer is not available the minimum area of such lots shall be not less than that approved in a letter to the Planning Commission by the Board of Health nor less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, whichever is greater.
   C.   Abut On Dedicated Street:
      1.   Each lot shall abut on a street dedicated by the recording of the subdivision or on an existing publicly dedicated street, or on a street which has become public by right of use and is more than twenty six feet (26') wide.
      2.   Interior lots abutting on more than one street shall be prohibited except where unusual conditions make other design undesirable. In the event a lot abuts on a public right-of-way created by use, the subdividers shall be required to improve the right-of-way to the standards set by Farr West City.
   D.   Corner Lots: Corner lots shall have extra width sufficient for maintenance of required building lines on both streets.
   E.   Sideline Standard: Sidelines of lots shall be approximately at right angles, or radial to the street lines.
   F.   Remnants To Be Absorbed: All remnants of lots below minimum size left over after subdividing a larger tract must be added to adjacent lots, rather than allowed to remain as unusable parcels.
   G.   Single Or Joint Ownership Only: Where the land covered by a subdivision includes two (2) or more parcels in separate ownership and the lot arrangement is such that a property ownership line divides one or more lots, the land in each lot so divided shall be transferred by deed to either single or joint ownership before approval of the final plan, and such transfer certified to the Planning Commission by the County Recorder. (Ord. 2024-06: Ord. 89-003 § 7(D))