A.   Street Dedication: All streets in subdivisions in the City of Farr West shall be dedicated to the City.
   B.   Major And Collector Streets: Major and collector streets shall conform to the width designated on the Master Street Plan wherever a subdivision falls in an area for which a Master Street Plan has been adopted. For territory where such street plan has not been completed at the time the preliminary plan is submitted to the Planning Commission, the minimum widths of one hundred feet (100') for major streets and sixty feet to eighty feet (60' - 80') for collector streets shall apply.
   C.   Minor Streets: Minor streets shall have a minimum width of sixty feet (60').
   D.   Alleys: Alleys shall have a minimum width of twenty feet (20'). Alleys may be required in the rear of business lots, but will not be accepted in residential blocks except under unusual conditions where such alleys are considered necessary by the Planning Commission.
   E.   Cul-De-Sacs:
      1.   Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum diameter of one hundred thirty feet (130') and have a turnaround not less than one hundred ten feet (110') in diameter, as measured from inside edge of the curb to inside edge of the curb. If, due to the grade of the street, surface water drainage is into the turnaround, then necessary catch basins and/or drains and drainage easements shall be provided.
      2.   Where a street is designed to remain only temporarily as a dead end street and a house has frontage on the street, an adequate temporary turning area shall be provided at the dead end street thereof to remain and be available for public use so long as the dead end condition exists.
      3.   Half cul-de-sacs and knuckles are not permitted on any street.
   F.   Easements For Drainage: Easements for drainage through the property may be required by the City Engineer, and easements of not less than ten feet (10') in width shall be provided where required for utilities or other purposes.
   G.   Service Roads: Service roads paralleling major streets shall be required unless the Planning Commission approves double frontage lots which may back onto major highways or collector streets as designated on the major street plan. Where lots back onto a major highway or collector street a buffer planting strip of trees or shrubs shall be provided at a width of ten feet (10') or wider, but in no case less than ten feet (10').
   H.   Protection Strips: Where subdivision streets parallel contiguous property of other owners, the subdivider may, upon approval of the Planning Commission, retain a protection strip not less than one foot (1') in width between the street and adjacent property, provided that an agreement approved by the City Attorney has been made by the subdivider, contracting to deed to the owners of the contiguous property, the one foot (1') or larger protection strip for consideration named in the agreement. Such consideration to be not more than the fair cost of land in the protection strip, the street improvements properly chargeable to the contiguous property, plus the value of one-half (1/2) the land in the street at the time of agreement, together with interest at a fair rate from time of agreement until time of subdivision of such contiguous property. One copy of the agreement shall be submitted to the City Attorney and one to the Planning Commission prior to approval of the final plat.
   I.   Street Access: Developments, including proposed developments done in multiple phases, where the total number of dwelling units in the entire development exceeds thirty (30), shall require two (2) separate City approved access streets. Where two (2) access streets are required, they shall be placed a distance apart not less than one-half (1/2) of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property, measured in a straight line between accesses.
   J.   Alternative Access: If the required distance between the two (2) access streets required by this chapter cannot be achieved because of the development's configuration and dimensions, the location of connecting roads, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions which are not due solely to the design of the development, then the developer may submit to the Planning Commission for its consideration access streets which have an alternate distance apart than that required by this paragraph. Such a submission must fully describe the conditions which the developer believes would not permit the distance between access roads required by this chapter and include the developer's recommendation for alternate locations of the required access streets. (Ord. 2024-06: Ord. 2017-12: Ord. 2014-03: Ord. 2013-04: Ord. 02-01 § 1: Ord. 89-003 § 7(B))