The final plat shall consist of a sheet of approved tracing linen or Mylar, to the outside or trim dimensions of nineteen inches by thirty inches (19" x 30") and the borderline of the plat shall be drawn in heavy lines leaving a space of at least one-half inch (1/2") margin on all four (4) sides of the sheet. The plat shall be so drawn that the top of the sheet faces either north or west, whichever accommodates the drawing best. All lines, dimensions and markings shall be made on the tracing linen with approved waterproof black India drawing ink. The plat shall be made to a scale large enough to clearly show all details, in any case not smaller than one hundred feet (100') to the inch, and the workmanship on the finished drawing shall be neat, clean cut and readable. The plat shall be signed by all parties mentioned in subsection H of this section, duly authorized and required to sign, and shall contain the following information:
   A.   A subdivision name, approved by the County Recorder, and the general location of the subdivision, in bold letters at the top of the sheet;
   B.   Where a subdivision complies with the planned development overlay of the zoning ordinance and chapter 16.28 of this title, the final plat shall indicate underneath the subdivision name, the words, "Planned Development";
   C.   A north point and scale of the drawing, and the date;
   D.   Accurately drawn boundaries, showing the proper bearings and dimensions of all boundary lines of the subdivision. These lines should be slightly heavier than street and lot lines;
   E.   The names, widths, lengths, bearings and curve data on centerlines of proposed streets, alleys and easements; also the boundaries, bearings and dimensions of all portions within the subdivision as intended to be dedicated to the use of the public; the lines, dimensions, bearings and numbers of all lots, blocks and parts reserved for any reason within the subdivision. All lots are to be numbered consecutively under a definite system approved by the Planning Commission and conform as far as practicable to the adopted street naming and numbering system of the City of Farr West;
   F.   The final plat will designate all lots with an "R" restriction with the following note: "R" Restriction. All lots in this subdivision are restricted with regard to finished floor level. Finished floor elevation of future homes lower than top back of curb elevation fronting the lot are not allowed. Exceptions to this restriction are found in subsection 15.04.020K of the Farr West Municipal Code;
   G.   Parcels of land to be dedicated as public park or to be permanently reserved for private common open space shall be included in the lot numbering system and shall also be titled "public park" or "private common open space", whichever is applicable;
   H.   Approval by the culinary water authority and the sanitary sewer authority;
   I.   A Preliminary Title Report or Title Insurance Policy for the land to be subdivided verifying property ownership.
   J.   A completion assurance for public improvements, as described in section 16.32.030 of this Title.
   K.   As applicable, formal, irrevocable offers for dedication to the public of streets, City uses, utilities, parks, easements, or other spaces.
   L.   If the plat is to be part of a community association, signed and binding documents conveying to the association all common areas.
   M.   The standard forms approved by the Planning Commission for all subdivision plats lettered for the following:
      1.   Description of land to be included in subdivision;
      2.   Registered professional engineer and/or land surveyors' certificate of survey;
      3.   Owner's dedication certificate;
      4.   Notary public's acknowledgment;
      5.   City Planning Commission's certificate of approval;
      6.   City Engineer's certificate of approval;
      7.   City Council certificate of acceptance attested by the City Recorder.
   N.   A three inch by three inch (3" x 3") space in the lower right hand corner of the drawing for recording information. (Ord. 2024-06: Ord. 17-05)