A.   Review And Recommendations: The preliminary plan shall be reviewed by the planning commission. The commission shall make a recommendation to the city council on the plan, as submitted or modified, within sixty (60) days after its presentation to the planning commission. The city council shall conduct a review based upon the planning commission's recommendations, the recommendations of the city engineer and the written recommendations of the utilities. Within forty five (45) days of receiving the planning commission's recommendation, the city council shall vote to approve, disapprove or to approve with conditions the preliminary plan.
   B.   City Council Determination: If approved, the city council shall express its written approval with those conditions, if any, specified in writing and shall return one copy of the preliminary plan, signed by the mayor, to the subdivider. If the preliminary plan is disapproved the city council shall indicate its disapproval in writing and reasons therefore by similarly signed copies. Notification of approval of the preliminary plan shall be authorization for the subdivider to proceed with the preparation of the final plat and specifications for the minimum improvements required in chapters 16.24 and 16.28 of this title. (Ord. 2024-06: Ord. 92-04: Ord. 89-003 § 5(E))