A.   Policy: The following policies apply:
      1.   It shall be the policy of the city to comply with the requirements of phase II of the federal clean water act, and all other state and federal requirements. This is to include applications, permits, plans, and implementation.
      2.   It is the policy of the city to require a stormwater permit for all construction sites within the city.
   B.   Permits: Permitting applies as follows:
      1.   Permit Required: A stormwater activity and/or a stormwater connection permit is required as provided by this code. A permit for all construction activities is required and can be obtained as outlined in sections 15.24.030 and 15.24.080 of this title.
         a.   This permit must be obtained before connecting to any existing stormwater system, drain, pipe, catch basin, stormwater box, manhole, or similar facility.
         b.   As part of this permit all fees must be paid, all detention basins shall be calculated, designed, and stamped by a licensed professional engineer.
      2.   Utah Pollution Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) Permit: A stormwater general UPDES permit for construction activities is required for all sites or development projects affecting one acre or more, including any area used for staging, stockpiling, or any other temporary construction activity. This permit is filed with the Utah division of water quality, department of environmental quality. The permit can be obtained online as follows:
         a.   http://waterquality.utah.gov/updes/stormwater.htm.
         b.   Click on "online application process notice of intent".
         c.   The appropriate fee must be paid to the state.
         d.   An SWPPP must be prepared and on site for this application.
      3.   Stream Alteration Permit: A stream alteration permit is filed with the Utah department of natural resources, division of water rights.
         a.   This permit overlaps the 404 wetlands permit, discussed below, because it is applicable to the area equal to the stream plus two (2) times the bank full width (up to 30 feet).
         b.   Any modifications to the stream or banks within this area must comply with the stream alteration permit.
      4.   EPA 404 Wetlands Permit: This permit is filed with the U.S. army corps of engineers. It is applicable for all wetlands within a development.
         a.   This will apply to all wetlands depending upon the presence of water, soil type and vegetation.
         b.   As part of this permit, a wetlands delineation report with USACE acceptance letter is required.
         c.   The scope of this permit applies to all jurisdictional waters of the United States up to and including the normal high water mark.
         d.   No fee is typically required for this permit.
         e.   A letter of nonregulated wetlands may also be applicable.
         f.   Any mitigation that may be required must be done prior to final acceptance of a subdivision.
         g.   Any wetlands identified must be indicated on the final plat with certified survey included.
   C.   Best Management Practices (BMPs): The city's stormwater management plan contains a listing of BMPs that can be used on a site.
      1.   Categories:   BMPs typically fall into the following categories:
         a.   Perimeter control.
         b.   Erosion controls.
         c.   Sediment control.
         d.   Materials handling and spill prevention.
         e.   Waste management.
         f.   Good housekeeping.
      2.   Application: The application of some BMPs are discussed below. They include, but are not limited to:
         a.   Oil separators.
         b.   Inlet protection.
         c.   Tracking pads.
         d.   Street sweeping.
         e.   Concrete washout.
         f.   Silt fences.
      3.   Oil Separators (OWS): Oil separators shall be required on all sites with parking facilities that exceed two (2) acres, automobile salvage or wrecking areas, or smaller sites anticipating oily discharges such as mechanic shops or similar facilities. Oil separators must be capable of removing particulates down to one hundred fifty (150) microns. Possible products include, but are not limited to: BaySaver, Stormceptor, Vortechnic.
         a.   Where oil separators are required, sizing and design of OWS must be reviewed by the city engineer prior to installation. Consideration must be given to frequency and ease of maintenance of the structure. Private basins shall have contracts in place with a local sewer company to periodically clean the separator in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
         b.   Manufacturer's recommendations for sizing must be followed with calculations submitted to the city. The separator may either be installed upstream or downstream of the basin keeping in mind that flows on the outlet of the basin would be smaller.
      4.   Inlet Protection (IP): The city's stormwater management plan may permit straw bails, silt fences, or curb snakes (after asphalt is placed). Filter fabric under the grate shall not be permitted since drainage is greatly inhibited.
      5.   Tracking Pads (CR): Sites must have a tracking pad to eliminate mud from being tracked onto the adjacent street. If mud is tracked, the contractor shall be responsible to sweep the streets as necessary.
      6.   Street Sweeping (SC): If mud is tracked onto the street, the developer or owner shall be responsible for sweeping the street.
      7.   Concrete Washout (CWM): A place must be located within the subdivision or on the site for concrete washout. No washout will be permitted on the street which would then continue to the storm drain. The washout area may need to be maintained and temporarily excavated until the building foundations and driveways are constructed, or some other arrangement made.
      8.   Silt Fences (SF): Silt fences must be installed to prohibit the flow of sediments off of the site in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and the city's stormwater management plan.
   D.   Notice Sign: All subdivisions, except minor lot subdivisions, are required to have at least one large notice sign that is clearly visible at the entryway of the subdivision indicating that the SWPPP must be obtained and followed. Said sign shall be maintained by the original subdivision applicant until conditional acceptance of the subdivision. The specific wording on the sign relating to stormwater and other related development requirement may be prescribed and modified by the administration as needed to meet challenges created by development and to give notice to requirements of law. (Ord. 2012-05)