Farr West City hereby adopts the public works standards as prepared by Jones & Associates dated June 2014, as may be amended from time to time, and incorporates the public works standards into this code by reference. Specifically included is an amendment to section 6.9 which states:
Imported Granular Backfill Material: Due to the existence of native wet clay materials in Farr West City, existing native excavated materials shall not be used as structural backfill or used as any utility trench backfill within the public right-of-way. The contractor shall furnish and install imported granular material. This granular material shall be in compliance with type A-1a or A-1b (AASHTO designation - basically granular soils with limited fines) passing a maximum 3 inch square sieve and shall not contain more than 15% of material passing a 200 mesh sieve, and shall be free from sod, vegetation, and other organic or deleterious materials. All proposed imported backfill materials shall have the prior approval of the city engineer. All imported granular backfill materials shall be compacted as specified in section 6.8.
(Ord. 2016-06)