A.   Guide Adopted: The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) "A Guide to Low Impact Development within Utah" (Guide) dated December 2018, to implement Low Impact Development (LID) standards, is hereby adopted by Farr West City and incorporated herein by this reference.
   B.   Report: A storm water quality report, following the template provided in guide and as may be further defined by the city engineer, shall be submitted to the city engineer for each development or subdivision submitted to the city for approval.
   C.   Standards: The following LID standards, which may be further defined in the public works standards and technical specifications of the city, shall be implemented into each development to the greatest extent practicable as approved by the city engineer.
      1.   Pervious Surfaces: Pervious surfaces such as permeable pavement, concrete pavers, pervious concrete, modular open pavers, and other types of pervious surfaces that provide structural support for light vehicle and/or pedestrian traffic while also providing open space for storm water infiltration.
      2.   Infiltration Basin: Infiltration basins are shallow depressions using existing soils to retain and provide treatment for storm water runoff by capturing and infiltrating runoff over a specified draw-down time.
      3.   Infiltration Trench: An infiltration trench is a linear excavation backfilled with a combination of gravel, open grade stone, and sand layers that provides storage within the pore space of the specified layers.
      4.   Harvest System: A harvest and reuse system refers to any type of runoff collection system that captures rainfall, stores it temporarily, and reuses it for irrigation, landscaping, or other non-potable use.
      5.   Underground Collection Galleries: A storm drain collection system which can be used under parking lots or grass surfaces to retain or detain stormwater and allow for infiltration or controlled release.
      6.   Other: Other methods may be reviewed and approved by the city engineer as technology is developed for low impact design, except those that provide underground storage.
   D.   Feasibility: If meeting the standards described in 15.25.021 is infeasible, a rationale shall be provided for the use of alternative design criteria. The new or redevelopment project must document and quantify that infiltration, evapotranspiration, and rainwater harvesting have been used to the maximum extent feasible and that full employment of these controls are infeasible due to constraints. The infeasibility of following the LID standards may be due to one or more of the following conditions: high groundwater, drinking water source protection areas, incompatible soil conditions, slopes, accessibility, excessive cost, or others approved by Farr West City. (Ord. 20-06)