A.   Residential Properties: The city council shall have the power at any time it may deem advisable, to contract with any person, firm or corporation for the hauling and disposal of garbage, rubbish and similar household wastes from residential property, and may provide, by resolution, for such fees as the council may determine to be collected from all persons, firms or corporations occupying residential property other than trailer courts and apartments; and provided further, that until changed by resolution of the city council, such fees shall be as prescribed in the fee schedule (title 3, chapter 3.30 of this code).
   B.   Commercial And Industrial Properties: The occupants of all commercial and industrial property, shall arrange and pay for their own garbage collection and disposal in accordance with the provisions of this chapter regulating the same. (Ord. 2012-02: Res. 04-04 § 1: Ord. 81-2 § 2-1-10)