A.   Additional Conditions May Be Adopted: The provisions of this chapter shall be the minimum requirements. The planning commission may recommend and the city council may adopt additional conditions as provided in this chapter for conditional uses or as they deem in the best interest of the general public.
   B.   Nuisance Animals, Control And Fencing, And Animal Trespass: Nuisance animals, control and fencing, and animal trespass are addressed in title 2, Weber County comprehensive animal control ordinance as currently adopted by reference. All laws, rules and regulations contained therein, where applicable and within the jurisdictional authority of Farr West City, shall be in full force and effect within the limits of the city.
   C.   Dead Livestock: All dead livestock shall be disposed of within forty eight (48) hours after death. The livestock owner shall dispose of the dead livestock in a sanitary manner. Failure to remove dead livestock within forty eight (48) hours shall be deemed a public nuisance and shall be a violation of this chapter. It is unlawful for any person to dispose of dead livestock by burning, dumping in any waterway, or leaving aboveground. (Ord. 11-04)