A.   Planning Department: The planning department will determine if the final plat submission is complete and if all the fees have been paid. If all requirements are met, a letter of acknowledgment will be provided by the planning department, and the subdivider shall distribute plans, accompanied by the letter, for comment to all appropriate public and private entities.
   B.   Reviewing Entities: After reviewing the plans, each of the public agencies and utilities will provide the acknowledgment letter to the subdivider indicating whether the plans are acceptable or need to be revised, and may forward to the subdivider a written report of its findings and recommendations. These agencies shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, water and sewer improvement districts, the public works department, the city engineer and the fire department.
   C.   Additional Reviews: In cases where subdivider's submission or plat is incomplete, incorrect or otherwise fails to comply with Farmington City ordinances and/or development standards as determined by the city and where such failure makes additional or repeat reviews on the part of the city engineer and/or other consultants to the city necessary, subdivider shall be required to resubmit the plans to those reviewing entities that will be affected by changes. After reviewing the plans, each of the public agencies and utilities will provide the acknowledgment letter to the subdivider indicating whether the plans are acceptable or need to be revised. This process shall continue until all reviewing entities have accepted the plans.
   D.   Report To Planning Commission: Within a reasonable time after receipt of a final plat and approval or comments from all appropriate reviewing entities, the planning department shall include the final plat on the planning commission agenda and prepare a report on the plat's compliance with the general plan, city ordinances, rules and regulations. The plat and the report of the city planning department shall then be presented to the planning commission. (Ord. 2006-28, 4-19-2006)