A.   This chapter is accompanied by the Farmington City urban forestry standards and specifications, which are proper and necessary to effectuate the urban forestry program within the city. The standards and specifications provide guidance along with this chapter for maintenance, planting, removal and pruning of any public trees. All persons and firms shall abide by both this chapter and the standards and specifications.
   B.   Farmington City shall maintain on its website a list of approved tree species suitable to be planted within a park strip. After April 30, 2023 all trees planted within park strips shall be selected from the approved species list, or another species may be authorized in writing by the city forester if they are suitable for planting along the street. Trees planted prior to April 30, 2023 need not be removed unless they constitute a nuisance. (Ord. 2009-50, 10-6-2009; amd. Ord. 2023-11, 2-21-2023)