The design standards set forth are intended to create a sense of place and a common design theme within the commercial, industrial and institutional sites located within the SBW overlay zone and are designed to create a transition between the natural shoreland environment and the urbanized environment.
   A.   Architecture: Buildings and structures are to enhance the visual environment of the SBW overlay zone by blending into the overall appearance of the shoreland environment.
      1.   The architectural building design shall consider the visual orientation to the Legacy Parkway, the local street accesses and pedestrian pathways within the byway corridor, or, where deemed applicable, the Legacy Preserve, to create an attractive appearance when viewed from these areas.
      2.   The apparent mass of buildings or structures shall be minimized through articulation and use of materials. A variety of vertical and horizontal planes, roof pitches, rooflines, windows, reveals and alcoves shall be used to create facade variation, shadows, corners and architectural interest.
      3.   Where multiple story or multiple story appearing buildings are constructed, the building design shall incorporate single story heights for entryways, office space and other such usable spaces to create a tier effect to the building. Areas of the building above the single story, or twenty feet (20') if no multiple story is proposed, shall be set behind the single story areas as viewed from the Legacy Parkway, the local street accesses and pedestrian pathways within the byway corridor or, where deemed applicable, the Legacy Preserve.
      4.   All buildings and structures shall appear to be proportional or in scale with other buildings within the immediate vicinity, specifically with regards to bulk, height and appearance.
      5.   When facades face the Legacy Parkway, a local street, or any pedestrian pathway within the byway corridor or, where deemed applicable, the Legacy Preserve, the architectural design shall incorporate windows, entryways, canopies, pillars and other such features to accent the building or structure. For multiple story or multiple story appearing buildings or structures, additional elements such as windows, balconies, overhangs and canopies shall also be incorporated in upper levels to frame and provide a human scale appearance to such buildings.
      6.   Natural or natural appearing materials, such as stone, cultured stone and wood, shall be the bold gestures used in the architectural design of all buildings. Decorative concrete or block, tile, cement fiberboard and other similar appearing materials shall be the other main materials used in the building design. Substantial or prominent use of unnatural appearing materials, such as metal, glass, vinyl and plastics is prohibited.
      7.   Colors and finishes shall complement the shoreland environment. Stains, flat paints and matte finishes are required. Reflective or glossy or shiny paints and finishes are prohibited.
   B.   Grading And Drainage: The relatively flat, slow draining, shoreland environment of the area often produces wetland areas and presents a challenge for proper drainage if the land is to be developed. Every effort is to be made to work within the natural drainage patterns of the land and minimize grading that would disrupt the natural system and appearance of the area.
      1.   Minimize the amount of grading of the land to avoid excess erosion, visual scarring and other similar impacts.
         a.   Blend structures and exterior spaces into the natural contours of the site.
         b.   Balance cut and fill on sites to the greatest degree possible.
         c.   Manmade contouring shall mimic natural contouring and shall not begin or end with severe or abrupt edges.
      2.   Minimize the use and heights of retaining walls and, where utilized, terrace and incorporate or blend them into the design of the building or parking areas and return to the natural grades in the wetland and landscaping areas.
      3.   Utilize natural drainageways and/or patterns. Direct stormwater and other runoff into swales, retention areas and other systems to maximize infiltrations and improve water quality before such water meets up with other water resources.
      4.   Grading and drainage plans shall also implement erosion control measures to ensure that construction activities do not compromise the overall natural drainage patterns and system of the area.
   C.   Landscaping: Landscaping is to be used to enhance the SBW overlay zone environment and soften the transitions between the built and natural areas.
      1.   At least twenty percent (20%) of all development sites within one thousand feet (1,000') to the west of the Legacy Parkway right of way shall be used for landscaping and open space areas. For areas farther west than one thousand feet (1,000') from the Legacy Parkway right of way, at least ten percent (10%) of all development sites shall be used for landscaping and open space areas. At least fifty percent (50%) of the required landscaped/open space area shall consist of native, informal or natural appearing plantings.
      2.   All impervious surface areas shall include landscaping. Dedicated walkways, plazas and other pedestrian oriented hardscape areas may be included as landscaping; provided, that they do not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the required minimum landscaping requirement. As used herein, "hardscape" means sidewalks, concrete or asphalt trails, plazas and other nonvegetative construction located in areas designated as landscaping.
      3.   The landscaping plan of each site shall be unified both internally and externally, and relate to the larger context of the surrounding community. All landscape plans shall consider the context of the byway corridor environment and its unique contribution to the character of the community.
      4.   The landscaping plan shall include a pedestrian circulation element that shows interconnectivity with surrounding sidewalks, trails and access to open space areas. Each development is to provide appropriate pedestrian connections to usable open space and trail amenities to create various connections to the Legacy Parkway trail system.
      5.   Developed area landscaping shall utilize a mixture of ornamental and native or local climate plantings. Plantings shall include the predominate use of ornamental grasses, shrubs and wildflowers that complement the byway corridor environment, with no invasive plantings. Large areas of annuals and/or bright colors shall be avoided.
      6.   Trees and evergreens shall be used sparingly to ensure that the open, grassy character of the shoreland area is maintained. However, trees and evergreens shall be used for areas needing shading, screening and privacy, such as, but not limited to, outside storage, mechanical, utility and other similar areas.
      7.   Natural areas shall primarily consist of or be enhanced with native or local climate shrubs, perennials and ornamental grasses. Plants with potential to become invasive weeds in natural areas shall be prohibited.
      8.   Nonlinear transition areas between the developed and natural areas shall be created and intermingled with the various styles and plant species to soften the appearance of any transition line. An appropriate barrier element, such as a colored concrete mow strip, shall be used to prevent undesirable encroachment or overgrowth to be intermingled between such natural and formal plantings.
      9.   The landscape design shall be coordinated with the placement of utility elements to mitigate their impact and reduce the potential for conflicts. Proper landscape design shall be utilized to mitigate the visual impact of all site utility elements, such as overhead power lines, transformers, meter boxes, fire protection devices, etc.
      10.   Landscaped areas shall be prepared with soils and slopes suitable with their natural surroundings to encourage healthy plant growth and proper drainage. The landscape design plan shall address the measures to be taken to properly care for and maintain the landscaping areas.
      11.   Water elements, walls, landscape boulders and other landscaping features shall be used in a natural looking manner to complement the appearance of the surrounding environment.
   D.   Off Street Parking: Parking is a necessity for the varied uses and amenities in the SBW overlay zone, however, it is to be designed in such a manner to enhance the visual appeal and experience of working, playing or living in the shoreland environment.
      1.   Parking areas shall be segmented or spatially separated and may be connected together by access lanes, green space, stream corridors or pedestrian pathways. Large, single standing, or expansive parking or pavement areas, are prohibited.
      2.   Parking areas should be buffered from adjacent residential property and screened from streets so automobiles are not visible below the average headlight height. Screening methods shall include undulating landscaped berms, low walls and plantings.
      3.   Access drives, internal circulation drives, parking areas and pedestrian walkways shall be designed to provide safety and convenience for both motorists and pedestrians and to ensure access for the physically disabled. Areas where pedestrian walkways cross driveways shall be constructed of colored stamped and/or raised concrete, or of other material and design so as to differentiate the area as a pedestrian/vehicle interface.
      4.   Parking areas shall incorporate use of colors and textures to define landscaped islands, pedestrian pathways, loading/unloading areas, and other such amenities to soften and improve the visual appeal of impervious surfaces.
      5.   Ornamental entryway plantings shall be placed on both sides of every drive accessing a public street to create a unified byway corridor image. The ornamental entryway for this area may consist of artistic sculptures, landscaping and planting features, monument signs, or other elements designated by the city.
      6.   Direct access to individual parking lots or pavement areas onto major arterial accesses shall be minimized. Parking lot design and placement shall consider future development on adjacent sites and the need for interconnections when deemed appropriate.
      7.   Traffic circulation patterns should direct commercial, industrial and institutional traffic onto arterial and collector streets and not local residential streets. Multiple family residential traffic should be directed onto collector or local streets.
      8.   Multiple use or sharing of parking and parking areas is encouraged; provided, that any needed parking requirement modifications are approved, as allowed by this title.
   E.   Fences And Walls: The use of fences and walls are to be minimized in the SBW overlay zone.
      1.   Berms or landscape plantings shall be the primary means for screening or for establishing needed spatial separation.
      2.   Where security and access controls are needed, an open style fence or semiprivate designs shall be utilized. Under limited or intermittent circumstances or as otherwise required in this title, a six foot (6') solid fence or wall may be used for security or screening purposes.
      3.   Walls and fences, if constructed, shall use materials and styles to complement the architectural style of the buildings or the byway corridor environment. Retaining walls shall be minimal in height, or shall be terraced, if used for significant retaining needs.
      4.   Open access to the pedestrian pathway or trail systems shall be provided and shall not be impeded by the use of fencing or walls.
      5.   The use of sound walls is strictly prohibited and shall not be used to separate byway corridor development from Legacy Parkway or the Legacy Preserve.
   F.   Outdoor Lighting: The dark skies of the various areas of the SBW overlay zone are an important part of the character and natural intrinsic quality of the area. Lighting is to be minimized within the byway corridor area and may transition up in intensity as one enters into the other areas of the city.
      1.   Lighting shall generally be used only where it is needed for safety and visibility. Lighting levels shall be scaled back to the minimal levels needed to achieve its purpose. Excessive or over lighting is prohibited.
      2.   Fixtures or elements producing light shall select the correct bulb type to achieve the lowest wattage necessary. Lighting elements shall be hidden or utilize full cutoff shields to eliminate shining or reflecting up into the night sky and to minimize glare and light trespass beyond area where lighting is needed or onto adjacent properties.
      3.   Self-regulating on and off controls shall be used where lighting is needed periodically, but not continuously and shall be set to their proper operation times.
      4.   Uplighting shall be used sparingly for accenting architecture, landscaping and signing. Where uplighting is used, a narrow angle focused fixture with low wattage lamp shall be used.
      5.   Lighting shall be arranged or directed so as to reflect the light away from adjacent properties and to prevent glare for street traffic. The intensity of light at adjoining residential property shall not exceed 0.1 foot-candle and/or adjacent to other zones shall not exceed 0.5 foot-candle.
      6.   A lighting plan shall be submitted for review and shall include:
         a.   The location and height of all light poles, which shall not exceed twenty feet (20') in height unless the planning commission determines that a use allowed in the underlying zone requires an increase in lighting height; and
         b.   The predicted illumination levels based on maintained illumination levels just prior to lamp replacement and luminary cleaning, within, at, and beyond property lines.
      7.   Designers of lighting plans shall consider shadow effects of trees, signs, buildings, screen walls or other fixed objects.
   G.   Signing: Signing is to enhance the scenic qualities of the byway corridor environment and shall complement the signing style used for Legacy Parkway.
      1.   Business signing shall be simple and scaled to allow for sufficient identification of the operation or facility. The style, colors and materials shall complement the architecture and design of buildings associated with the sign.
      2.   Wall sign placement shall not extend above the wall on which it is affixed and not exceed ten percent (10%) of area of the wall (including any building face) on which it is located unless requirements for the underlying zone are more restrictive in which case the sign shall comply with the underlying zone.
      3.   Monument and/or low profile signs shall not exceed six feet (6') in height.
      4.   Sign copy shall consist of individual lettering and logos. Sign copy shall not animated. No aluminum box or cabinet signs shall be permitted unless associated with a logo and may only be permitted for use as a wall sign in conjunction with individual lettering.
      5.   Informational or business location markers may be allowed as part of the public signing program for streets and highways. Such signs shall be clustered together on a single sign element and shall conform to the design and styles depicted in the Legacy Parkway scenic byway master plan (chapter 5-parkway style, page 13).
      6.   The following signs and devices are prohibited within the SBW overlay zone:
         a.   Animated, electronic message, roof, graffiti, billboards, off premises and pole signs;
         b.   Spotlights, corporate or promotional flags, streamers, pennants, banners and other decorative devices for commercial advertising purposes;
         c.   Balloons, including cold air, helium and other balloons.
      7.   Interpretive signs shall be designed to tell important stories or messages related to the byway corridor experience. These signs shall utilize a design and materials scheme that is consistent and compatible with the theme of the SBW overlay district.
   H.   Scenic Byway Viewshed Corridor: To protect the viewshed of the scenic byway corridor east of Legacy Parkway, the following signs and devices are prohibited in the scenic byway viewshed corridor as delineated on the official zoning map:
      1.   Animated, roof, graffiti, billboards, off premises and pole signs;
      2.   Spotlights, corporate or promotional flags, streamers, pennants, banners and other decorative devices for commercial advertising purposes;
      3.   Balloons, including cold air, helium and other balloons.
   I.   Planning Commission Special Exception: The planning commission may grant a special exception, as set forth in chapter 3 of this title, to any of the design standards set forth in the SBW overlay zone if it can demonstrated that the enforcement of the design standards would create a substantial conflict with the requirements of the underlying zone or that an alternative plan is more effective in meeting the intent of the design principles for the SBW overlay zone. (Ord. 2012-35, 12-4-2012; amd. Ord. 2024-27, 6-4-2024)