A.   Development Characteristics: Development within the SBW overlay zone shall exhibit design components and characteristics, such as those set forth below, which set the development apart from a standard subdivision and/or traditional site plan approval accomplished under this title:
      1.   Human scaled building architecture;
      2.   Use of shoreland style landscaping;
      3.   Viewshed protection for the Legacy Parkway and the Legacy Preserve;
      4.   Appropriate use of open space and critical lands;
      5.   Use of public and private amenities.
   B.   Evaluation Criteria: Each development proposal for development within the SBW overlay zone shall be evaluated based on its compatibility with:
      1.   The city's general plan and any other applicable master plan;
      2.   The purpose and development standards of the SBW overlay zone as set forth in this chapter;
      3.   The purpose and design of the Legacy Parkway scenic master plan; and
      4.   Any other city approved study applicable to the subject property.
   C.   Burden Of Persuasion: An applicant shall have the burden of showing that the proposed uses, project design and location of utilities and facilities meet the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 2012-35, 12-4-2012)