11-35-010: Purpose
11-35-020: License Required
11-35-030: Conditions
11-35-040: Conditional Uses
11-35-045: Preschool, Daycare, Class Instruction
11-35-050: Exemptions
11-35-060: Revocation
11-35-070: Appeal
11-35-010: PURPOSE:
   A.   It is the purpose of this chapter to establish guidelines, conditions and requirements for limited nonagricultural business activities in residential and agricultural zones. For the purpose of this chapter, "home occupation" is defined as an occupation or profession in which the associated activity or use is clearly incidental and secondary to the residential use of a dwelling unit, there is no alteration to the exterior of the dwelling unit to accommodate the occupation or profession, and such occupation or profession does not adversely affect the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. A home occupation should be conducted in such a way that neighbors or passersby would not, under normal circumstances, be aware of its existence.
   B.   It is recognized that home occupations may be desirable to reduce "start up" costs for small businesses and to provide gainful employment within the community. However, if a home occupation grows to the point, or is conducted in such a manner, that the conditions of this chapter are not met, the home occupation shall cease and any continuing business shall be moved to an appropriate location in a commercial zone. (Ord. 1993-44, 12-8-1993)
   A.   It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to engage in a home occupation in any agricultural or residential zone without first obtaining a home occupation business license to do so from the City Recorder. The procedure to be followed and applicable fees for a home occupation business license are set forth in the business licensing regulations, title 6 of this Code.
   B.   Businesses that do not have combined offsite impacts of the home based business and the primary residential use that exceed the impact of the residential use alone shall pay a licensing fee to cover the cost of issuing the license, as set forth in the City's consolidated fee schedule. (Ord. 2017-27, 10-3-2017)