The keeping of animals within Farmington City shall be permitted or prohibited as follows:
   A.   Classification: All animals shall be classified in one of the following categories (animals include all living creatures, fowl, reptiles, fish, etc.):
      1.   Class A (small animals): Animals kept as pets or for family food production or recreational purposes, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, fowl, etc.
      2.   Class B (large animals): Animals kept as pets or for family food production or recreational purposes, such as horses, cows, goats, sheep, etc.
      3.   Class C (commercial farming): Any and all animals of every size, type or kind kept or maintained for commercial purposes.
      4.   Class D (dangerous animals): Animals that are inherently or potentially dangerous may be kept or maintained only by conditional use permit.
   B.   Maintenance: All animals must be kept and maintained in such a manner so as not to degrade (below a reasonable standard) the health, safety, noise, odor or sanitation environment of persons dwelling on neighboring lots.
   C.   Permitted, Prohibited: The animals permitted in any zone are limited in numbers so as to comply with the conditions mandated in subsection B of this section and to prevent a significant degradation in appearance of the premises on which they are kept in comparison with neighboring premises:
      1.   Class A animals may be kept in all zones.
      2.   Class B animals are permitted only in zones AA, A, AE, R-2, B, R, LR, S, LS, R-4, R-8, and OTR.
      3.   Class C animals are prohibited from all zones, except zones C, A, AA and C-R.
      4.   Class D animals are prohibited from all zones, except by conditional use permit.
   D.   Number Permitted; Area, Zone Requirements: The following numbers and kinds of animals in the size areas described are presumed to meet the standards set forth in subsections B and C of this section. Boarding kennels are permitted only where expressly listed as an allowed use within a zoning district. This presumption is rebuttable by the keeper proving that greater numbers of animals are being kept and meeting these standards, or by the city proving that equal or lesser number of animals are being kept in a manner not meeting these standards:
      1.   Any size lot: Two (2) dogs or four (4) cats or four (4) ducks or four (4) turkeys or four (4) geese or eight (8) chickens or eight (8) rabbits or eight (8) pigeons, or any equivalent combination.
      2.   One-half (1/2) acre: Two (2) dogs or two (2) sheep or two (2) goats or four (4) cats or eight (8) ducks or eight (8) turkeys or eight (8) geese or twelve (12) chickens or twelve (12) rabbits or twelve (12) pigeons, or any equivalent combination.
      3.   Class B large animals:
         a.   Zones R, LR, S, LS, R-2, R-4, R-8, OTR or B: On lots of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or more: One horse or cow or two (2) sheep or goats per twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.
      b.   Zones AA, A, and AE: Not more than two (2) horses or cows or four (4) sheep, goats, pigs, or similar size animals shall be kept on lots of one-half (1/2) acre. For lots larger than one-half (1/2) acre, one additional horse or cow or two (2) additional sheep, goats, pigs, or similar size animals may be kept for each five thousand (5,000) square feet over one-half (1/2) acre. Animals younger than six (6) months in age shall not be counted in determining the total number of animals on the lots.
   E.   Location Of Accessory Structures: No animal shelter, hay barn, silo, equipment shed, storage building and similar accessory buildings to the agricultural use of land may be located closer than ten feet (10') to any side or rear boundary line. (Ord. 2010-21, 5-18-2010; amd. Ord. 2022-26, 5-17-2022)