11-7-010: PURPOSE:
   A.   The purpose of this chapter is to establish minimum standards for the review of development applications to ensure that the general appearance, interrelationships and functioning of buildings, structures and the improvements upon the land shall be compatible and contribute to the stability of land values, the encouragement and protection of investments, the enhancement of the urban environment and streetscape, the preservation and promotion of the City's unique characteristics and values, and the general welfare of the community, while mitigating negative impacts upon adjacent neighborhoods. It is not the purpose of this chapter that design should be so rigidly controlled so as to stifle creativity or individual expression.
   B.   It is the intent of this chapter that the standards, as outlined, shall be supplemented by other requirements of this title when additional review is specified for projects such as a planned unit development, a planned dwelling group, a conditional use permit or a development in the foothill zone. Wherever the provisions of these various chapters conflict, the more restrictive standards or provisions shall prevail. (Ord. 1991-27, 7-17-1991)