A.   This title is designed and enacted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Farmington City by, among other things:
      1.   Lessening congestion in the streets;
      2.   Securing safety from fire, panic and other dangers, and providing adequate light and air;
      3.   Securing economy in governmental expenditures;
      4.   Encouraging the orderly growth and expansion of the city and avoiding the overcrowding of land and the undue concentration of population;
      5.   Facilitating the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, recreation and other public requirements;
      6.   Stabilizing and preserving the property values and encouraging the expansion of the tax base; and
      7.   Fostering the city's industries and encouraging the development of an attractive and beautiful community.
   B.   The general purpose of this title shall also be to guide in a coordinated and harmonious manner the development of the city in accordance with the adopted master plan. (Ord. 1986-07, 5-14-1986)