A.   Fees For Businesses Located In City: There is hereby levied upon the business of every person engaged in business in the city at a place of business within the city, an annual license fee as set forth in the city's consolidated fee schedule.
   B.   Fee For Applications Filed After June 30: The business license fee for any license application filed after June 30 of any year shall be one-half (1/2) the amount of the fee that would be payable for a full year license.
   C.   Nonrefundable Application Fee: In the event any initial or renewal business license application is denied by the city or is withdrawn by the applicant, the city shall be entitled to retain the sum of thirty five dollars ($35.00) as a nonrefundable business license application fee from any license fees paid or payable to the city, unless another nonrefundable business license application fee is otherwise provided for under the ordinances of the city.
   D.   Enhanced Service Fees: It is hereby determined by the city council of Farmington City that police services are provided at enhanced levels to some businesses within the city. The council has considered the number of calls for police service from all businesses within the city occurring over a period of one year and hereby determines that five (5) police calls per year represents the basic level of municipal services provided by the city. The council further determines that for each police call in excess of five (5) for a calendar year, the business receives an enhanced level of municipal services, and that a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for each police call in excess of five (5) is an amount that is reasonably related to the city's cost of providing the enhanced municipal services. For purposes of calculating the portion of the business license fee which is allocable to "enhanced service fees", the city shall determine the number of police calls received for the business by the city during the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the date of application and shall fix the fee in an amount that is reasonably related to the city's cost to provide the municipal service. However, the enhanced service fee related to calls for police service shall not, in any case, exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00). (Ord. 2014-38, 12-2-2014; amd. 2016 Code)