A.   Appointment: On or before the first Monday in February following a municipal election, the mayor, with the advice and consent of the city council, shall appoint a qualified person to the office of city treasurer. The city treasurer position is an at will position and is exempt from the protections of Utah Code Annotated section 10-3-1105(1)(a), as amended. As such, the city treasurer may be terminated with or without cause and shall not be entitled to due process appeal procedures as set forth in Utah Code Annotated section 10-3-1106, as amended.
   B.   Custodian: The city treasurer shall be the custodian of all money, bonds or other securities of the city.
   C.   Collections: The city treasurer shall collect and receive all monies payable to the city, including taxes, assessments, licenses, fines, forfeitures, service charges, fees and other revenues of the city. The city treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all monies received hereunder and shall promptly deposit all such monies in the appropriate bank accounts of the city.
   D.   Receipts: The city treasurer shall give or cause to be given to every person paying money to the city treasury, a receipt or other evidence of payment therefor, specifying the date of payment and the account paid. The city treasurer shall file the duplicate of such receipt, a summary report, or other evidence of payment in the office of the finance director.
   E.   Checks: The city treasurer, or other person designated by the city council, shall sign all checks prepared by the city and shall, prior to affixing said signature, determine or cause to be determined that sufficient funds are on deposit in the appropriate bank account of the city to honor such check.
   F.   Warrants: In the absence of appropriate monies, the city treasurer shall pay all warrants in the order in which presented and as money becomes available for payment thereof in the appropriate funds of the city. The city treasurer shall note upon the back of each warrant presented the date of presentation and the date of payment, pursuant to Utah Code Annotated section 10-6-144, as amended.
   G.   Special Assessments: All monies received by the city treasurer on any special assessment shall be applied to the payment of the improvement for which the assessment was made.
   H.   Accounting: The city treasurer shall keep an accurate and detailed accounting of transactions, receipts, collections, disbursements and other matters within the treasurer's charge as provided by state law or as the city may by ordinance or resolution direct.
   I.   Limitations: The city treasurer shall not serve as the city recorder.
   J.   Supervision: The city treasurer shall be supervised by the finance director.
   K.   Investments: The city treasurer shall invest the city's idle funds with qualified depositories as determined by the standards set forth by the Utah money management council and under the supervision and direction of the finance director.
   L.   Payroll: The city treasurer shall prepare the city payroll.
   M.   Additional Duties: The city treasurer shall perform such other and further duties as the city council may provide by ordinance, resolution, regulation or directive. (Ord. 2012-18, 5-15-2012)