A.   Appointment: On or before the first Monday in February following a municipal election, the mayor, with the advice and consent of the city council, shall appoint a qualified person to the office of city recorder. The city recorder position is an at will position and is exempt from the protections of Utah Code Annotated section 10-3-1105(1)(a), as amended. As such, the city recorder may be terminated with or without cause and shall not be entitled to due process appeal procedures as set forth in Utah Code Annotated section 10-3-1106, as amended.
   B.   Office: The office of the city recorder shall be located at city hall or at some other place convenient thereto as the city council may direct.
   C.   Supervision: The city recorder shall be supervised by the finance director under the direction of the city manager.
   D.   Corporate Seal: The city recorder shall keep the corporate seal. When certified by the city recorder under the corporate seal, copies of all papers filed in the city recorder's office and transcripts from all records of the city council shall be admissible in all courts as originals.
   E.   Meetings Of City Council: The city recorder, or his or her designee, shall attend the meetings and keep the record of the proceedings of the city council.
   F.   Actions Of City Council: The city recorder shall record all ordinances, resolutions and regulations passed by the city council.
   G.   Contracts: The city recorder shall countersign all contracts made on behalf of the city or to which the city is a party and shall maintain a properly indexed record of all such contracts.
   H.   Fiscal Procedures: The city recorder's duties under the uniform fiscal procedures act for Utah cities have been delegated to the finance director in accordance with Utah Code Annotated section 10-6-157, as amended.
   I.   Elections And Appointments: The city recorder shall manage all municipal election procedures and requirements as provided in Utah Code Annotated title 20A, as amended, and shall keep a record of all persons elected or appointed to any office within the city, including the date of appointment or election, term of office, date of death, resignation or removal, and name of person appointed to fill any vacancy. Election duties may be performed by Davis County pursuant to agreement between the city and county.
   J.   Records Of The City: The city recorder shall keep all of the books, records, accounts and documents of the city at the recorder's office. Such records shall be open for public inspection pursuant to the provisions of the Utah government records access and management act.
   K.   Limitations: The city recorder shall not serve as the city treasurer.
   L.   Warrants: In the event the city is without funds on deposit to pay any lawfully approved claims, the city recorder shall draw and sign a warrant upon the city treasurer for payment of the claim, pursuant to Utah Code Annotated section 10-6-140, as amended.
   M.   Additional Duties: The city recorder shall perform such other and further duties as the city council may provide by ordinance, resolution, regulation or directive. (Ord. 2012-18, 5-15-2012)