1-2-020: CITATION:
Any provision of state law adopted herein by reference as a city ordinance shall be cited by adding the number of the title in this code in front of the section number assigned in Utah Code Annotated. For example, Utah Code Annotated section 76-1-101 adopted by reference in title 13 of this code shall be cited as 13/76-1-101. Any reference to the number of any section contained herein shall be understood to refer to its appropriate chapter and title heading, and to the general penalty clause relating thereto, as well as to the section itself, when reference is made to this code by title in any legal documents. This code, as adopted by the city, including any amendments hereto, shall be prima facie evidence of the contents, passage and legal publication of such ordinances, as of the effective date of adoption, in all courts and administrative proceedings. (Ord. 2012-08, 2-21-2012)