(A) No mobile home shall be placed in the city without first making application for a mobile home permit at the City Clerk- Treasurer/Tax Collector’s office.
(B) The application for a mobile home permit shall be signed by the applicant and contain the following information:
(1) The kind of mobile home to be installed.
(2) The mobile home’s condition and dimensions.
(3) Dimensions of the lot on which the mobile home is to be situated and the lot’s location.
(4) Whether the mobile home will be connected to the city sewer.
(5) Whether the mobile home will have separate electric and water connections.
(C) The City Council at is next regular meeting shall approve or disapprove the application for a mobile home permit based on the applicant’s compliance with the provisions of this section.
(Ord. 92.01, passed 11-15-77; Am. Ord. 92.02, passed 4-10-90) Penalty, see § 151.99
All applicants for a mobile home permit shall be required to pay to the city a fee of $25.
(Ord. 92.01, passed 11-15-77; Am. Ord. 92.02, passed 4-10-90) Penalty, see § 151.99
All mobile homes must be connected to the city sewer and have a separate connection with the city electric and water lines. No connection shall be run from or through any other building.
(Ord. 92.01, passed 11-15-77; Am. Ord. 92.02, passed 4-10-90) Penalty, see § 151.99
This subchapter regulating manufactured housing on developable building lots in the city is to be interpreted and enforced in concert with city ordinance requiring building permits, 90.03. In the event there is language conflict between these documents, this subchapter language shall prevail.
(Ord. 90.04, passed 2-25-98)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
MANUFACTURED HOME. A dwelling unit 60 feet or more in length and at least 12 feet or more in width when erected on site; 720 or more square feet of floor area; designed for transportation after fabrication in one or more sections on its own permanent chassis, to be used as a dwelling and arriving at the site where it is placed on a foundation, or tied down and skirted with towing tongue removed or completely disguised; floor area will not include accessory structures or additions and shall be determined by measurement of the structure’s exterior dimension after erection on site; and, such a unit includes the connection to electric power, water supply and sewage disposal facilities.
(Ord. 90.04, passed 2-25-98)