   (A)   Whenever the animal control officer, or in his/her absence, a police officer is notified of a cat or dog running at large as defined in this subchapter, he/she shall if possible, pick up and/or have impounded such animal. The animal shall be delivered to the Pendleton County Animal Shelter.
   (B)   The animal control officer or police officer shall be permitted to enter upon private property within the city limits to effect the intent and purpose and to enforce this subchapter, if the animal control officer or police officer is engaged in the pursuit of an animal which is deemed “running at large.”
(Ord. 130.03, passed - -86; Am. Ord. 130.031, passed 4-9-96; Am. Ord. 130.032, passed 7-11-01; Am. Ord. 130.033, passed 3-4-03; Am. Ord. 2007-130.035, passed 8-16-07)
   (A)   Whenever any detained dog or cat shall bear an identification mark such as a collar or license tag, the detaining officer shall attempt to return the animal to or to notify the owner forthwith. If the detained dog or cat bears no identification mark, the animal control or police officer or other person detaining said dog or cat shall forthwith contact the County Dog Warden to request pick-up of said dog or cat, and in the absence of such Warden shall deliver such animal to the Pendleton County Animal Shelter.
   (B)   Animals taken to the shelter shall be held, cared for, and disposed of in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Pendleton County Animal Shelter, or the Pendleton County Fiscal Court.
(Ord. 130.03, passed - -86; Am. Ord. 130.031, passed 4-9-96; Am. Ord. 130.032, passed 7-11-01; Am. Ord. 130.033, passed 3-4-03; Am. Ord. 2007-130.035, passed 8-16-07)
   (A)   No person having under his/her control, a dog or cat, shall allow the dog or cat to defecate on any private property other than his/her own, whether or not the waste created is conducive to removal as anticipated by division (B) of this section.
   (B)   Any person having under his or her control, a dog or cat, shall take all necessary steps to properly dispose of any waste or excrement created by the dog or cat in his/her control, disposing of said waste in an appropriate manner upon his/her own property. For the purpose of this section, “DOG or CAT” shall be defined as including any domesticated animal.
   (C)   All persons having under their control, a dog or cat on property other than their own shall then possess on their person sufficient equipment and supplies to effect the policing up and proper disposal of any waste that might be created by said animal.
(Ord. 130.031, passed 4-9-96; Am. Ord. 130.032, passed 7-11-01; Am. Ord. 130.033, passed 3-4-03; Am. Ord. 2007-130.035, passed 8-16-07) Penalty, see § 90.99