§ 32.044 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of the Public Works Committee shall be to advise the City Council regarding matters in the water, sewer, streets, transportation, bridges, trails planning, acquisition, construction and maintenance, grants acquisition, volunteer coordination, improvements, and the following tasks:
      (1)   Review and make recommendations on public works projects;
      (2)   Advise on utility or street systems development charge rate analysis and recommendations;
      (3)   Advise on city utility use procedures;
      (4)   Advise on city budget for operation and capital improvements;
      (5)   Troubleshoot capital and maintenance projects; and
      (6)   Utility rules and policy recommendations.
   (B)   In addition, the Committee may advise the Council on any matter upon which the Council requests guidance.
(Prior Code, § 32.03.050)