§ 30.090 MOTIONS.
   All motions shall be distinctly worded.
   (A)   The following rules shall apply to motions:
      (1)   If a motion does not receive a second, it dies.
      (2)   The Council will discuss a motion only after the motion has been moved and seconded. Nothing in this section prevents general discussion or expression of opinions before a motion is made.
      (3)   Any motion shall be reduced to writing if requested by a member of the Council.
      (4)   A motion to amend can be made to a motion that is on the floor and has been seconded.
      (5)   No motion shall be received when a question is under debate except for the following:
         (a)   To lay the matter on the table;
         (b)   To call for the previous question;
         (c)   To postpone;
         (d)   To refer; or
         (e)   To amend.
      (6)   A motion may be withdrawn by the mover at any time without the consent of the Council.
      (7)   Amendments are voted on first, then the main motion if voted on as amended.
      (8)   A member of the Council may have a motion which contains several elements divided, but the mover shall have the right to designate which element will be voted on first.
      (9)   A call for the question is intended to close the debate on the main motion; does not require a second and is not debatable.
         (a)   A call for the question fails without a majority vote.
         (b)   Debate on the main subject resumes if the motion fails.
      (10)   A motion that receives a tie vote fails.
      (11)   The presiding officer shall repeat the motion prior to a vote.
      (12)   A motion to adjourn cannot be amended.
   (B)   Motion to reconsider. A motion to reconsider may only be made by a member of the prevailing side. Any member may second the motion.
      (1)   No motion shall be made more than once.
      (2)   The motion shall be made before the final adjournment of the meeting when the item goes out of possession of the Council.