(A)   Until the date of the Finance Officer’s or the City Council’s decision, whichever is later, the municipal utility shall not terminate the utility service of the customer and shall not issue a notice of termination solely for non-payment of the disputed amounts.
   (B)   If it is determined that the customer must pay some or all of the disputed amounts, the utility shall promptly mail to, or personally serve upon, the customer a notice of termination containing the following:
      (1)   Amount to be paid or violation under this section;
      (2)   Date of notice of termination;
      (3)   Date of termination which shall be at ten days after notice; and
      (4)   Notice that unless the municipal utility receives complete payment of the amount shown, if any, prior to the date of termination, municipal utility service shall be terminated.
(Ord. 308, passed 11-5-2013)