§ 31.43 AGENDA.
   At all regular meetings of the City Council, the business of the meeting shall be considered in the following order:
   (A)   Roll call;
   (B)   Pledge of Allegiance;
   (C)   Correction and approval of minutes of previous regular and special meetings;
   (D)   Presentation of claims and communications;
   (E)   Visitors;
   (F)   Introduction and first reading of ordinances;
   (G)   Introduction of resolutions;
   (H)   Second reading and final passage of ordinances;
   (I)   Reports of officers and committees;
   (J)   Unfinished business;
   (K)   New business;
   (L)   Miscellaneous business;
   (M)   Executive session; and
   (N)   Adjournment.
(Prior Code, § 1.0309)