Use of Water System
51.01 Rules and regulations
51.02 Hook-up fee; lien on property
51.03 Town water lines separate from private wells and pumps
51.04 Wells and pumps for outside water only
51.05 Users must contract for water
51.06 Application; when water turned off
51.07 Meters required
51.08 Rules relating to meters
51.09 Rates to be charged when water turned on
51.10 Property owner responsible for all charges
51.11 Turning water off by request
51.12 Rates; when due; delinquent
51.13 Installation
51.14 Water to be turned on by authorized person only
51.15 One connection for two or more buildings prohibited; exceptions
51.16 When water discontinued
51.17 Owner responsible for portion of service pipes; cost
51.18 Application from contractors
51.19 May shut off water for repairs
51.20 Access to buildings
51.21 Separate stopcock required
51.22 Report of all work
51.23 Interfering with property prohibited
51.24 Unlawful acts
51.25 Hook up to town water system required
51.26 Notice of non-compliance
Water Service Pipes
51.40 Requirements
51.41 License application
51.42 Bond
51.43 License fee
51.44 Compliance with the rules of the Water Department
51.45 Permit
51.46 Notice requirements
51.47 Kind of pipe
51.48 Trenches
51.49 Excavations in streets or alleys
51.50 Barricades and danger signals
51.51 Refilling trenches
51.99 Penalty
(A) There shall be charged a one-time fee for a new connection of any building or mobile home to the town water system. Such fee shall be in the sum of $1,000.
(B) The owner of the property to which new service is furnished shall, in addition thereto, contract for and pay for all charges of installation of the service from the water main to the structure served.
(C) The person performing such service shall complete the construction to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and any other inspector as required by law.
(D) Any hook-up fee not paid by the time of connection to the town water system shall constitute a lien against the real property benefitting from the hook-up for the amount thereof, which lien has precedence over any other lien, claims or other demands, except those of the United States and the state, or either of them.
(Prior Code, § 4.07.011) (Ord. 327, passed 4-20-2015)
Present wells and pumps may be retained for outside water, lawns, gardens and the like.
(A) No new wells may be drilled within the town limits, except for irrigation purposes. Only licensed water well drillers may drill wells within the town limits.
(B) This section shall not apply to all improved property not located within 200 feet of a town water main.
(Prior Code, § 4.07.017) Penalty, see § 51.99
It shall be unlawful for any person to take, use or allow to be used, water without having previously contracted from the same.
(Prior Code, § 4.07.020) Penalty, see § 51.99