General Provisions
   50.01   Definitions
   50.02   Removal of garbage
   50.03   Supervision
   50.04   Hiring and discharging collectors
   50.05   Contracts
   50.06   Containers
   50.07   Disposal of garbage; incineration
   50.08   Collection; costs; assessment of unplatted premises; taxes
   50.09   Assessments
   50.10   Health Officer authorized to promulgate rules and regulations
Conditions; Prohibited Actions
   50.25   Burning garbage
   50.26   Depositing garbage in streets
   50.27   Transporting garbage upon the streets
   50.28   Building construction wastes
   50.29   Fee for collecting all other wastes
   50.30   Ash disposition
   50.99   Penalty
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.
   AGENT. A person other than the owner, having charge, care or control of any property within the town.
   APARTMENT HOUSE. Any building or group of buildings in which there are three or more apartments or cabins used or designed for use as living quarters by three or more families.
   BOARDING HOUSE. Any place at which meals and/or lodgings are furnished for four or more persons not living together as a family, but shall not include restaurants or hotels.
   DEBRIS. Any accumulation of broken and detached lumber scattered about any premises.
   DWELLING. A building providing living quarters for one family.
   FAMILY. A group of people, whether related or not, living together as a single housekeeping unit.
   GARBAGE. All refuse, animal and vegetable matter, ashes, store sweepings, paper and rubbish and other indestructible waste matter; but it shall not be construed to mean or include manure, basement or lawn excavations, trees or house wreckage or other like debris.
(Prior Code, § 7.02.010)
   HOTEL. A building more than one story high designed and used to provide separate rooms with sleeping accommodations for five or more guests.
   MOTEL. A place not more than one story high providing sleeping accommodations primarily for tourists, with or without food preparation facilities, in separate or connected cabins.
   SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING. A building used as living quarters for only one family and shall include every occupied house trailer not parked in a trailer court.
   TENANT. A person or family occupying living quarters owned by another.
   TOWN DUMP. The place specified by the Town Council for the final disposition of garbage, trash, debris and litter.
   TRAILER COURT. Any licensed trailer court.
   TRASH. Any worthless rubbish or refuse matter not covered in the definition of debris or litter.
(Prior Code, § 7.02.100)
(Ord. 191, passed - -)
   All garbage must be removed or disposed of in a manner approved by the Town Council.
(Prior Code, § 7.02.020) (Ord. 191, passed - -) Penalty, see § 50.99
   (A)   The collection, removal and disposal of garbage shall be done and performed under the supervision, direction and control of the Town Council and in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, and with any additional rules and regulations that may be made from time to time, by the Council.
(Prior Code, § 7.02.030)
   (B)   The town shall provide for the disposal of all garbage within the town and, to that end, shall have the power to contract with some responsible person, firm or corporation, or other business organization, and/or the Town Council is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase necessary equipment and hire personnel for the removal of the garbage and other refuse accumulated within the town.
(Prior Code, § 7.02.050)
(Ord. 191, passed - -)
   The Mayor, with the approval of the Council, shall have the power to hire and discharge the collectors and such additional labor as is found necessary to collect and remove all garbage in the proper manner.
(Prior Code, § 7.02.040) (Ord. 191, passed - -)