(A)   Officers charged with the care of equipment and apparatus shall see that regular inspections are made of such equipment and apparatus and shall make a monthly report to the Chief Engineer regarding same.
   (B)   Each length of hose shall be carefully numbered and a record kept of the date of purchase, make, when tested, pressure and conditions and the like.
   (C)   Hose on apparatus shall be changed every 30 days if not otherwise used, and have water run through it every 60 days.
   (D)   All hoses shall be thoroughly washed and dried after use at fires and drills and no wet or dirty hose shall be placed on apparatus.
   (E)   Hose couplings shall always be kept in first class order. When necessary, the threads shall be run over with a standard tap and die. Hoses shall be immediately checked after purchase to see that hose couplings fit the hydrant.
   (F)   Firefighters at fires or drills shall report to the Chief Engineer all fire hydrants found frozen, out of order, leaky or that are set in such a manner to make it difficult to connect thereto.
   (G)   The Chief Engineer shall make a permanent record of all reports of defective, inoperative or improperly set fire hydrants and shall submit a report (giving the location of the hydrant or hydrants, the name of the maker and a specification of the trouble), to the Town Council, which body will see that the necessary changes are made.
   (H)   Engines shall be tested annually and after extensive repairs, following the instructions of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. If they develop less than 90% of their reasonable capacity, an immediate investigation shall be made to discover the trouble and be remedied as soon as possible.
   (I)   Chemical tanks shall be kept in good operative condition.
(Prior Code, § 2.20.080)