(A)   All owners and occupants of real property located within the town limits shall keep trimmed all trees located on their property which overhang on any public thoroughfare so that the branches thereon do not interfere with pedestrians or public travel.
   (B)   It shall also be the duty of the owners of all real property located within the town, as well as the duty of all persons in possession of such property, to cause all tress, shrubs, bushes and plants located on their property to be trimmed so as not to constitute a public nuisance, as defined above.
   (C)   The Director of Public Works shall have the authority to make determinations as to whether a condition exists so as to constitute a public nuisance. Upon determination that such a condition does exist, the Director of Public Works, shall then notify, in writing, the property owner or person in possession of said property. Said notice shall inform the property owner or person in possession of said property that the public nuisance condition must be corrected within 14 days or the Director of Public Works will direct the trimming of said trees, shrubs, bushes and plants which constitute the nuisance. The necessary expense of such trimming or maintenance shall be charged against the real property in question by billing or special assessment if not paid in the manner prescribed by law. Said costs and expenses shall become a lien on said premises and shall be certified and collected as other taxes or the Town Attorney may begin a civil action in the Town Court in the name of the town and against any owner, occupant or agent of said premises for the collection of said costs and expenses and the cost of the action.
(Prior Code, § 14.04.050)