(A)   Whenever the Director of Public Works becomes aware of the existence of any dead or diseased tree or part thereof located within the town limits, or the existence of any trees or parts thereof that constitute a hazard to life and/or property; or pose a threat to harbor insects or disease which may constitute a potential threat to other trees within the town limits, he or she shall notify, in writing, the owner of the property where said tree is located of the condition and direct that said tree or any part thereof be removed. Unless the owner of the property can show within 14 days that the above described notice was sent in error, removal shall be done by the said owner at his, her or their own expense within 14 days after the date of service of said notice. The removed tree shall be immediately debarked or transported to the county landfill for prompt disposal by burial or burning. The town will provide transportation of diseased trees only, at its convenience, to the county landfill upon request; provided, there are no tree sections longer than a length to be set by the Director of Public Works. In the event the owner fails to remove said tree within the 14-day period in the manner provided herein, the town shall have the authority to remove said tree and charge the cost of laboratory analysis fees and removal to the real property in question by billing or special assessment if not paid in the manner prescribed by law. Said costs and expenses shall become a lien on said premises and shall be certified and collected as other taxes or the Town Attorney may begin a civil action in the Town Court in the name of the town and against any owner, occupant or agent of said premises for the collection of said costs and expenses and the cost of the action.
   (B)   All stumps of trees shall be removed below the surface of the ground so that the top of the stump shall not project above the surface of the ground or the entire stump shall be stripped of the bark upon cutting of the tree.
(Prior Code, § 14.04.030) Penalty, see § 154.99