No individual with an extensive police record, or whose reputation would bring discredit on the town or who has been convicted of any violation of the state’s Card Games Act, being M.C.A. Title 23, Ch. 5, part 3, Raffles and Bingo Law, being M.C.A. Title 23, Ch. 5, part 4, or laws relating to the conduct of sports pools, or of larceny or theft, or any crime of violence, or whose gambling license has been revoked or suspended by any town, county or state may be issued a dealer’s permit.
(Prior Code, § 5.10.330) (Ord. 204, passed - -)
Should the Chief of Police fail or refuse to issue a permit after application has been made and the fee paid, the applicant may appeal his or her decision to the Town Council and, if not satisfied with their decision, may seek a writ of review.
(Prior Code, § 5.10.340) (Ord. 204, passed - -)
A dealer’s permit may be revoked or suspended in the same manner as a gaming license issued hereunder for any of the causes listed in this section and § 112.37 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 5.10.350) (Ord. 204, passed - -)