(A)   All junk vehicles are required to be shielded from public view. Public view is any point six feet above the surface of the center of any public road from which the wrecking facility and junk vehicles can be seen.
   (B)   Shielding refers to fencing or other human-made barriers to conceal a facility from public view. It also refers to natural barriers. Any shielding barrier must conform to all zoning, planning, building and protective covenant provisions and any other legal restrictions that may be in effect for each wrecking facility site.
   (C)   If a fence is used, the boards may be spaced and/or slatted to reduce wind load. The space which can be seen from a broad-side view will not be more than one and one-half inches wide when viewed at any angle from 45 degrees to 90 degrees to the fence. The interval between spaces will not be less than seven and one-half inches. Chain-link metal fences with standard fiberglass or other inserts are acceptable; provided, the gap between adjacent slats does not exceed one and one-half inches. The breaks in the fence may be vertical or at any angle; they cannot be horizontal.
   (D)   Screening with shrubs and trees, while not subject to precise measurements, is to provide a similar degree of shielding at all times of the year. A berm may be constructed of any solid material, including stumps, demolition debris and the like. The slopes of the berm are to be covered and graded smooth, with not less than three inches of top soil and seeded with an adequate seeding formula.
   (E)   Any shielding is to be of sufficient height that none of the junk vehicles an the premises are visible from public view. This is not intended to require that permanent buildings, other structures, utility poles, cranes or derricks or similar structures be shielded.
   (F)   The fencing is to be maintained in a neat and workmanlike manner. It is to be replaced where necessary. Damage by vandals or other causes is not to be reason for not maintaining the fence.
   (G)   The fence is not to be used as a billboard. A maximum of two signs not to exceed 32 square feet each, advertising the business conducted on the premises, may be painted on or attached flush to the fence.
   (H)   The shielding requirement may also be met by the use of tarps or covers of a kind commonly used to cover motor vehicles; provided, said tarps or covers are in good repair and shield the junk vehicle completely from public view.
(Prior Code, § 10.12.060) (Ord. 223, passed - -; Ord. 248, passed - -; Ord. 249, passed - -)