§ 91.03 NOISE.
   (A)   It is hereby prohibited and made unlawful for any person within the town or the police jurisdiction thereof, to shout, make any noise, play any device, including, but not limited to, radios, tape or compact disc players or musical instruments or allow his or her dog to bark in a manner so loud as to be calculated to unreasonably disturb or interfere with the peace and comfort, including sleeping, of the occupants of a nearby residence.
   (B)   (1)   For purposes of this section, DECIBEL means sound levels in decibels measured on an “A” scale of a standard sound level meter having characteristics defined by the American National Standards Institute, Publication S.4-1970.
      (2)   Noise will be measured at the boundaries of a particular lot. Noise radiating from properties or buildings in excess of the decibel limits established for the districts and times listed herein, regardless of the source unless otherwise excepted herein, shall constitute prima facie evidence that such noise is a violation of this section.
      (3)   Noises caused by construction or grounds maintenance are excluded, provided such noises do not exceed limitations specified herein by more than 20 decibels and do not exceed a total of eight hours over a period of two days. At boundaries between zones, the lower of the decibel limits shall be applicable.
Limitation from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Limitations from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Central Business District (CBD)
60 decibels
55 decibels
General Commercial Industrial District (GCID)
70 decibels
55 decibels
Residential A (R-A)
55 decibels
50 decibels
Residential B (R-B)
55 decibels
50 decibels
(Prior Code, § 7.08.028) (Ord. 358, passed 6-12-2024) Penalty, see § 91.99
   (A)   As used in this section, CAR COUPLING SOUND means a sound which is heard and identified by the observer as that of a car coupling impact, and that causes a sound level meter indicator to register an increase of at least ten decibels above the level observed immediately before hearing the sound.
   (B)   No railroad shall conduct car coupling operations within the town that exceed an adjusted average maximum A-weighted sound level of 92 decibels at any receiving property measurement location, when measured with fast meter response in accordance with 40 C.F.R. part 201, subpart C; except, such coupling will be found in compliance with this standard and the railroad will be considered in compliance, if the railroad demonstrates that the standard is exceeded at the receiving property measurement locations (where the standard was previously exceeded) when cars representative of those found to exceed the standard are coupled at similar locations at coupling speeds of eight mph or less.
   (C)   Any railroad that engages in a car coupling operation that results in excessive noise as described in division (B) above is responsible for compliance with said part. Such railroad shall modify the car coupling procedure to bring it within the prescribed noise limits.
(Prior Code, § 7.08.026) (Ord. 313, passed 3-14-2011) Penalty, see § 91.99