§ 30.03 POWERS.
   The Mayor shall have the power:
   (A)   To nominate and, with the consent of the Council, to appoint all non-elective officers of the town, provided for by the Council, except as provided herein;
   (B)   To suspend and, with the consent of the Council, to remove any non-elective officer, stating in the suspension or removal the cause thereof;
   (C)   To cause the ordinances of the town to be executed, and to supervise the discharge of official duty by all subordinate officers;
   (D)   To communicate to the Council, at the beginning of every session, and more often if deemed necessary, a statement of the affairs of the town, with such recommendations as he or she may deem proper;
   (E)   To recommend to the Council such measures connected with the public health, cleanliness and ornament of the town and the improvement of the government and finances as he or she deems expedient;
   (F)   To approve all ordinances and resolutions of the Council adopted by it and, in case the same do not meet his or her approbation, to return the same to the next regular meeting of the Council, with his or her objections in writing, and no ordinance or resolution so vetoed by the Mayor must go into effect unless the same be afterwards passed by a two-thirds vote of the whole number of members of the Council;
   (G)   To veto any objectionable part of a resolution or ordinance and approve the other parts. If the Mayor fails to return any resolution or ordinance as aforesaid, the same takes effect without further action;
   (H)   To call special meetings of the Council and, when so called, he or she must state by message the object of the meeting and the business of the meeting must he restricted to the object stated;
   (I)   To cause to be presented, annually, a full and complete statement of the financial condition of the town;
   (J)   To bid in for the town any property sold at a tax or judicial sale where the town is a party or interested;
   (K)   To procure and have in his or her custody the seal of the town;
   (L)   To take and administer oaths;
   (M)   To call on every male citizen of the town, over the age of 18 years, to aid in the enforcement of the laws and ordinances in case of riots; and any person who docs not obey such call forfeits to the town a fine not exceeding $25;
   (N)   To require of any of the officers of the town an exhibit of their books and papers;
   (O)   To grant pardons and remit fines and forfeitures for offenses against town ordinances when, in his or her judgment, public justice would be thereby subserved; but he or she must report all pardons granted, with the reasons therefor, to the next Council; and
   (P)   To perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law or by resolution or ordinance of the Council.
(Prior Code, § 2.10.030)