(A)   Every person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog who permits such dog to run at large upon the public thoroughfare, upon school grounds or other public property or private property not under the control of the person who owns, keeps or harbors such dog is guilty of maintaining a public nuisance and is, therefore, guilty of a misdemeanor.
   (B)   Every person having under his or her control any female dog in heat (i.e., in the oestrual period) shall confine such dog in a house, garage or other building, and in such a manner as to eliminate the congregation of other dogs in the immediate vicinity of the female. Any such female dog no so confined is a public nuisance, and the owner or other person in control of such dog is guilty of maintaining a public nuisance and is, therefore, guilty of a misdemeanor. The poundmaster or any police officer shall immediately abate every such nuisance by impounding such dog.
   (C)   Every person who shall keep, feed, harbor or allow to stray about any premises occupied or controlled by him or her, any dog which by loud and continuous barking, howling or yelping constitutes an annoyance or disturbance to the neighborhood or to any considerable number of persons is guilty of a misdemeanor.
   (D)   It is declared a public nuisance for a dog or other animal to damage or destroy property of other pets, or to bite, or chase after persons not trespassing on the property of the animal’s owner.
   (E)   Any person aggrieved by a nuisance animal may file a complaint in the Town Council, charging the owner with violation of this subchapter. Upon a third conviction of violation of this subchapter, the nuisance animal may be seized and taken up by any law enforcement officer and put to death.
(Prior Code, § 8.02.080) Penalty, see § 90.99