Changeable Copy Sign: a sign or portion thereof with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged by mechanical, electronic or manual means.
   Any organization or business allowed to have a wall sign or monument sign may opt to use a changeable copy sign. If utilized, the changeable copy sign may use seventy-five percent (75%) of allowable sign area. The remaining twenty-five percent (25%) may be used as a regular sign. If the twenty-five percent (25%) is not utilized, then the maximum sign area will be seventy-five percent (75%) of the allowable sign area. The organization or business is only allowed one changeable copy sign. If the sign is allowed to have two faces, the changeable copy sign may have two faces.
   (a)   Physical Changeable Copy Signs: Signs that are physically changed by hand or tool.
      (1)   Sign may be illuminated internally or externally. Any electrical will need to be approved by Lake County Building Inspector.
      (2)   Installation or repair of the sign will require a building and zoning permit, but changing the message of the sign will not.
   (b)   Mechanical Changeable Copy Sign: Uses a mechanical devise to change the sign.
      (1)   Sign may be illuminated internally or externally. Any electrical will need to be approved by Lake County Building Inspector.
      (2)   Installation or repair of the sign will require a building and zoning permit, but changing the message of the sign will not.
   (c)   Electronic Changeable Copy Sign.
      (1)   Maximum brightness levels for electronic message center shall not exceed five thousand (5,000) nits when measured from the sign's face at its maximum brightness, during daylight hours, and one-hundred fifty (150) nits when measured from the sign's face at its maximum brightness between dusk and dawn.
      (2)   The sign shall be equipped with a dimmer switch so that the brightness can be control so that the sign can be viewed during the day and it does not create a hazard or be determent to the neighbors during the night.
      (3)   The messages may rotate. But each message must remain on one message for ten (10) seconds.
      (4)   Animation, movement, or continuous scrolling of messages is prohibited and the change of image on an electronic message center must be instantaneous.
      (5)   Sign may not be used as an electronic billboard. The owner of the sign may not place message on their electronic changeable copy sign for financial or other tangible considerations.
   (6)   The sign may not mimic traffic control signs or devices.
         (Ord. 2023-25. Passed 5-16-23.)