Temporary outdoor storage units, shall be subject to the following restrictions:
   (a)   Not more than two (2) temporary outdoor storage units shall be permitted per address in a calendar year.
   (b)   The maximum size of a temporary outdoor storage unit shall not exceed a dimension of l0'x l0'x 22' .
   (c)   Only one (1) temporary outdoor storage unit shall be stored on a property at any given time, for a period up to thirty (30) days. Extensions may be granted, but no unit shall receive more than two 30-day extensions (not to exceed a total of ninety (90) days).
   (d)   Temporary outdoor storage units are prohibited from being placed within the right-of-way, on the front lawn of a property, or in any temporary road or cul-de-sac easements. Units must be kept in the driveway, or on a paved surface, at the furthest accessible point from the street, or as otherwise approved by the Zoning Inspector.
   (e)   A Temporary Structure Permit shall be obtained from the Zoning Office prior to locating the storage unit on the property. A plot plan or survey shall be provided at the time of application, depicting the proposed location of the unit.
      (Ord. 2021-43. Passed 5-18-21.)