(a)   There is hereby established a Rescue Unit within the Volunteer Fire Department.
(Ord. 86-66. Passed 6-2-86.)
   (b)   With the exception of the motor vehicle operator, the Rescue Unit shall be manned exclusively by Emergency Medical Technicians on all rescue calls.
(Ord. 1992-67. Passed 7-6-92.)
   (c)   The Rescue Unit may include Emergency Medical Technicians-Ambulance, Emergency Medical Technicians-Advanced and Emergency Medical Technicians-Paramedic.
(Ord. 1994-37. Passed 4-18-94.)
   (d)   The Chief of the Fire Department is hereby designated as the person responsible for the operation of the Rescue Units and the personnel of such Units.
   (e)   The Volunteer Fire Department employees who answer rescue calls are to be paid as provided by Council from time to time.
(Ord. 86-66. Passed 6-2-86.)
   (f)   The Rescue Unit may also include all Police Department personnel who are also licensed Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT’s) upon proof of the appropriate State of Ohio certification. Police Department personnel may be requested to respond to emergency rescue calls while on duty if requested to do so by the Fire Chief and such request does not conflict with any current job assignment. Any Police Department personnel so engaged in rescue operations or any other operations as an Emergency Medical Technician shall come under the direction and control of the Fire Chief. Any Police Department Personnel so engaged shall not receive any additional compensation for responding to any requested rescue calls.
(Ord. 1994-37. Passed 4-18-94.)