(a) During such periods of time as the Fiscal Officer of the Village may be absent from the Village or when the Fiscal Officer of the Village is unable for any cause to discharge his/her duties, then, in said event, the Mayor of the Village is, authorized and directed to execute those checks drawn on the Village’s legal depository for the payment of lawful obligations of the Village that are necessary to the prudent, reasonable and proper management of the financial affairs of the Village by the actual affixing of his/her signature upon said checks.
(b) The Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the legal depository of the Village such specimens of his/her signature and the Mayor’s signature provided for in subsection (a) hereof, as the legal depository may require.
(c) The legal depository of the Village, upon receipt of the aforesaid specimens and/or signature cards as said depository shall require, and a certified copy of this section, is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay checks of the Village executed by the aforesaid Mayor or Fiscal Officer, to disburse funds required in connection therewith on behalf of the Mayor or Fiscal Officer of the Village, and to charge such disbursement to the fund of the Village in its custody against which such checks may be drawn.
(d) In recognition of the additional responsibilities imposed herein upon the Mayor by this section a bond (if necessary) shall be established and purchased in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000); and the premium, therefore, shall be paid by the Village, and funds sufficient to pay the premium required for such bond are hereby appropriated from the General Fund of the Village.
(Ord. 2003-46. Passed 4-8-03.)