(a)    All signs permitted in residential districts as provided for in Section 1133.03.
   (b)    Permanent Signs. Permanent signs, which may be illuminated, limited to advertising the proprietor or company, or the brand name and the goods sold or services rendered, shall only be permitted on the lot or parcel of land upon which the business is situated, if conforming to the following regulations:
      (1)    Wall signs:
         A.    Each business shall be permitted one (1) flat or wall on-premises sign on the front wall only. (Front wall being the wall facing the most nearly parallel to the road right-of-way sideline; or, in the event there is no front wall, then one (1) wall facing a parking area will be considered the front wall.) Projection of wall signs shall not exceed two (2) feet measured from the face of the main building. The area of all permanent on-premises signs for any single business enterprise may have an area equivalent to one and one-half (1-1/2 ) square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of building width, or part of a building occupied by such enterprise but shall not exceed a maximum area of one hundred (100) square feet. The sign area includes sign and sign structure .
         B.    When more than one (1) business enterprise occupies the same retail space then the total sign area for the combined business enterprises occupying that same retail space may be equal to two (2) square feet of sign area per lineal foot of building width occupied by the businesses but shall not exceed one hundred sixty (160) square feet . The sign area includes sign and sign structure.
This sign area may be divided between the businesses in any combination, but in no case shall any of the businesses have a sign face square footage less than thirty-two (32) square feet. The sign area includes sign and sign structure.
         C.    When a business is located in a building on a corner lot, or in a separate portion of a multi-tenant building closest to the corner, the business may elect to have an additional wall sign on the face of the building abutting the side street (or wall not considered the front wall) in lieu of the free-standing sign. Such sign on the wall facing the side street (or wall not considered the front wall) shall not exceed sixty-four (64) square feet of sign area. If more than one (1) business occupies the same corner retail space, then the sign area may be increased to ninety-six (96) square feet. This sign area may be divided between the businesses in any combination but in no case shall any of the businesses have a sign face square footage less than thirty-two (32) square feet . The sign area includes sign and sign structure.
      (2)    Identification signs. One (1) identification wall sign not exceeding two (2) four (4) square feet in area for each door or entryway to any building. The sign area includes sign and sign structure.
      (3)    Awnings. Business signs painted on the valance of an awning, bearing only the name of each business in question, not exceeding a total of eight (8) square feet in area. The awning is a supporting structure.
      (4)    Window Signs: Businesses may place permanent signs on the glass of the windows and doors. The window sign and sign structure shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the square footage of the window. The sign area includes sign and sign structure. The window is a supporting structure.
   (c)   Free-Standing Signs.
      (1)    Buildings with multiple businesses may be identified by no more than one (1) single Monument Sign or Pylon Sign freestanding sign per major right-of-way. Each such sign, sign and sign support, shall have a total of no more than one hundred fifty (150) square feet per face and shall be limited to ten (10) feet in height from the supporting structure and the supporting structure shall not exceed two (2) average grade level of the site and set back from a road right-of-way sideline not less than ten and does not interfere with traffic visibility.
      (2)    A monument type sign or pylon sign s hall be permitted in lieu of a free-standing sign providing the sign is an on-premises sign and does not exceed forty (40) square feet per sign face; is at no point closer to the road right-of-way sideline or an adjoining lot line than ten (1) feet; does not exceed eight (8) feet in height from supporting structure and the supporting structure shall not exceed two (2) average grade level of the site; and does not interfere with traffic visibility.
         (Ord. 2023-25. Passed 5-16-23.)